Shipowner Mr. Kerim joined the WTBDC system in the field of international maritime logistics.

A renowned figure in the field of international maritime logistics, shipowner Mr. Kerim has joined the World Trade Business Development Council (WTBDC) system. Mr. Kerim's inclusion in WTBDC brings important issues to the forefront, such as establishing legal infrastructures for international trade, creating funds, and developing the logistics network.

This collaboration between WTBDC and Mr. Kerim is seen as a significant step towards developing innovative and sustainable solutions in the maritime logistics sector. The meeting prioritized the creation of necessary legal infrastructures to facilitate more efficient and secure international trade. In this context, the aim is to work with trade law experts and logistics industry professionals to address legal issues encountered in international maritime trade.

Another key area of focus, accelerated by Mr. Kerim's participation, is the establishment of funding projects. WTBDC's financial experts have begun working on creating new funds to evaluate investment opportunities in the maritime logistics sector and support sustainable growth in this field. These funds will aid the growth of existing businesses and enable the introduction of new ventures into the maritime logistics sector.

The meeting also addressed efforts to further develop the international logistics network. Mr. Kerim's extensive experience and deep industry knowledge will significantly contribute to WTBDC's global logistics network. Strategies were developed to expand the logistics network, optimize trade routes, and enhance the efficiency of logistics processes.

This collaboration aims to establish a more robust and effective structure in international maritime trade. Mr. Kerim's inclusion in the WTBDC system is seen as a pivotal step towards setting new standards in maritime logistics and conducting trade in a more secure and sustainable manner.

Through this strategic partnership, WTBDC will continue to develop innovative solutions in the maritime logistics sector and contribute to the advancement of international trade. With Mr. Kerim's expertise and WTBDC's global network, significant achievements are expected in the field of maritime logistics.